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Welcome to this website, where you can freely access & share ebooks by Dr. Phang Cheng Kar
Phang Cheng Kar
The GHOST We Think: A Mindful Guide For Transforming Thinking Errors
I’m excited to share my latest book, The Ghost We Think , with you—a creative, practical, and insightful guide to understanding and...
Phang Cheng Kar
I'm Still Human: Understanding Depression With Kindness
Depression doesn’t define a person. It’s time we understand it with kindness, compassion, and actionable insights. My free eBook, "I’m...
Phang Cheng Kar
Grati-Chat G.P.T.: A Simple Gratitude Prescription To Transform Your Life
Imagine if you could rewire your mind to discover joy despite life’s toughest challenges! Enter Grati-Chat G.P.T .—not just a gratitude...
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